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Guidelines Regarding
Fan-Made Works

BattleBrew Productions (hereinafter to be referred to as “We”, “Us”, or “Our” as the case may be)

holds full merchandising rights to the IPs that are created by us. 

We do not relinquish our copyright or related rights through these overall guidelines. 

We maintain these rights.

We have established these guidelines for the creation and use of fan-made work (for profit/non-profit) so that fans of our IP may have the peace of mind to be able to enjoy our content in as many different forms as possible.


When creating works that comply with these overall guidelines, there is no need to contact us for permission. 

If you would like to work with us to mass-produce/mass-distribute and/or produce new merchandise at a commercial level, please refer to Guidelines for Corporate Partnerships.


Guidelines for Fan Works

We love seeing the creation of fan-made work (for profit/non-profit) of our IPs.

If you are interested in creating and/or selling fan merchandise of our IPs, we request that you follow these overall guidelines:

  • Making and selling limited, hand-made fan merchandise at a fan or hobby level that is inspired by our games is generally allowed. However you are not permitted to mass-produce or mass-distribute items (unless you have our express permission).

If you are a company or an individual interested in mass-producing/mass-distributing merchandise, please contact us directly.

If you are unsure whether your work requires permission, please refer to Guidelines for Corporate Partnerships.

  • Make it clear that your items are unofficial, and are not related to or authorized by BattleBrew Productions. Specifically, do not use the “BattleBrew Productions”, “Love In Tiny Spaces”, “Cuisineer”, “Noodle Souperstar”, “Battlesky Brigade Harpooner”, “Battlesky Brigade TapTap”, or “Battlesky Brigade Tribes” trademarks and logos. 

  • DO NOT use official art or assets from our games.

  • You can only sell items directly to consumers. Do not sell them on large stores such as Redbubble, Displate, or Society6.

  • Do not make items that are significantly similar to official items offered by BattleBrew Productions or any of BattleBrew Productions’ authorized licensees.

  • We reserve the right to ask you to remove any works at any time at our sole discretion for any reason. We likewise reserve the right to update this policy at any time and for any reason.


Regarding Cosplay Costumes

In regards to cosplays of our characters from our games, unless you are mass-producing costumes to distribute as a product, there is no obligation to obtain copyrights or permission.

Examples that do not need copyrights or permission obtained:

  • Contracting other parties for the production of the costume for the purpose of participating in events, photoshoots.

  • Making a costume yourself for the purpose of participating in events, photoshoots

  • Fan-made merchandise produced based on the model (or Cosplayer), in costume of characters of our IPs. However, production of such fan-made merchandise must be limited and not mass-produced.

  • Patterns sold that are based on the characters of our IPs.


Regarding Age-Restricted Works

We generally prohibit expressions that are against public order and morals.

However, we think that you should be able to express your own artistic expression, provided that it is unofficial and not related to or authorized by BattleBrew Productions.

Regulations regarding production and sales of such works online and at events are based on the individual rules of the countries where the individual and/or event is based in. In this case, please be careful because we hold no responsibility for your works and actions.

We reserve the right to ask you to remove any works at any time at our sole discretion for any reason. 


We appreciate your compliance with this policy. If you have further questions, please consider the following examples to help illustrate our policy in practice:

Example 1: 

Zoe is selling hand-made plushies of Alder from Cuisineer on her Etsy page. She has made 10 sets in total.


Is this permitted by our policy? 

YES! Zoe is selling a limited quantity of hand-made items inspired by our games. Via Etsy, she is responsible for her relationship with her customers and is personally shipping out her items. 


Example 2: 

Sam is a well known artist on social media, and she plans to do a limited run of 100 prints of her artwork of Pom from Cuisineer at her booth at an Artist Alley in a popular anime convention.  


Is this permitted by our policy?

YES! Sam is directly selling a limited quantity of prints of a piece she created. 



Example 3: 

Ben has created Cheelee Plushies that look rather similar to the ones we make, ordering a quantity of 100 to sell locally and at conventions. 


Is this permitted by our policy?

NO. Ben is making a product that is similar to an official item that is offered by BattleBrew Productions’ authorized licensees.



Example 4: 

Leo loves the cute food icons found in the game and thinks they would be perfect as a set of wooden pins. He puts out a poll on his instagram about which dishes he should make. After the poll, he realises that the demand is high and has ordered a batch of 500 sets.


Is this permitted by our policy?

NO. Leo is using artwork made by Battlebrew Productions as the basis for his merchandise. Further, he has ordered a large amount of these items, i.e. is mass-producing the items. This violates our policy and we ask that such items not be created or sold. If you wish to mass-produce such items, please contact us for further discussion first.



Example 5: 

Shawn is an artist who does 18+ art and would like to make 18+ art of our characters to sell at 18+ conventions. 


Is this permitted by our policy?

Maybe. We do not and cannot officially endorse any art made in this manner and as such it is on the individual to take responsibility for the work that they create. We ask that you comply with the laws of your country and rules of your chosen platform. We also reserve the right to ask you to remove any works at any time at our sole discretion for any reason. 


Once again, thank you for your support and love for our games. 

We’re happy to respond where we can, but please understand that our team is generally not available to evaluate, approve, and/or answer specific questions about fan merchandise, which is part of the reason we created these guidelines. 

We hope writing this enables many creators to keep making all kinds of inspiring content we've been seeing with a peace of mind.


Guidelines for Corporate Partnerships

If you are a company or an individual interested in mass-producing/mass-distributing merchandise,

please contact us directly for discussion.

In regards to what is considered to be required for our permission:

  • Mass-production and/or non-limited production of merchandise. This includes regular production of small quantities that may add-up over time to become a quantity that might be considered large at a hobby level.

  • Purchasing and mass-distributing our merchandise to other customers in stores or online. 

  • Collaborative creation of new commercial merchandise to include the “BattleBrew Productions”, “Love In Tiny Spaces”, “Cuisineer”, “Noodle Souperstar”, “Battlesky Brigade Harpooner”, “Battlesky Brigade TapTap”, or “Battlesky Brigade Tribes” trademarks and logos.

If you are found to be mass-producing/mass-distributing merchandise without our permission, we reserve the right to receive remuneration based on the sales made by the company or individual.


Guidelines for Streaming and Media Showcase

We love watching streams and videos created where our games are showcased. We request that you comply with these guidelines:


  • You are allowed to stream the entirety of our games, unless stated in the game where a pop-up (“screen notification”) appears in the game, requesting not to show content of the game beyond a certain point.

Uploading of Videos

  • Assets available in our Press Kits for our individual games may be used in the creation of the video.

  • You are allowed to upload gameplay of the entirety of our games, unless stated in the game where a pop-up (“screen notification”) appears in the game, requesting not to show content of the game beyond a certain point.

  • Please list the following information in the description of the video:

    • Game Name

    • A URL link to the product page of the game.

    • “Produced by: BattleBrew Productions”

  • Please understand that we may initiate takedown procedures regarding a video based on its content, thumbnail, and/or other factors.


We will not interfere with the use of partner programs or creator programs on video sharing sites such as YouTube, Niconico, etc., any advertising revenue earned thereof, or any other monetization schemes offered by such sites, provided that the aforementioned guidelines, said sharing sites’ terms of use, and all third-party guidelines are adhered to, and no IPs or copyrights are infringed upon.

* We forbid the registration of any created or submitted clips with Content ID, or any other automated identification system, as your own work.

Guidelines for Coroporate Partnerships


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